Paula Stoffijn

Lasercut samples

pitch • design • project management


May 2022

project plan

UX/UI design

project management


Snijlab is an online laser cutting service. Customers upload their drawings, choose a material, and receive their designs cut out of wood or plastic.

In 2022 Snijlab's founders and me completed the Business Accelerator course, directly applying growth marketing principles within the company. One implemented strategy was adding a sample purchasing feature to the website.

The goal of this feature was to win our customers' trust earlier in their journey, in addition to providing better service.


Snijlab is an online laser cutting service, customers upload their drawings and get them send back cut out of wood or plastic.

In 2011, Snijlab became the first in this industry to develop an online order acceptance system. This enhanced the speed of quoting and ordering for customers and made laser cutting more accessible.


Winning trust from customers is essential for conversion. However, it becomes challenging when offering a service that involves creating custom products. Because the initial purchase requires a significant investment from the customer.

In order to build trust earlier in the customer journey, we looked for a relevant product. And decided on material samples because the choice of material is a key decision in the ordering process and directly reflects product quality.

The website lacked the option to offer a single (non-custom) product, so we had to design and build this feature.


My role in this project was the initiation, the design and management. I wrote the project plan, and pitched it. The visual design is based on Google material cards, in line with the rest of the site. I managed the two external developers programmed this feature.

For me, the biggest challenge was in management: aligning all visions, solving technical barriers, and bringing the feature to launch. This taught me that teamwork is essential for great designs to come to life.

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