Paula Stoffijn

Master project

LUCA School of Arts Ghent concept • research • editing • design • publishing

Little bit ill. Publications

2016 – 2017

Graduation project

Master Graphic Design

LUCA School of Arts, Ghent

Graded 18/20

Rewarded Juryprijs, LUCA School of Arts Ghent 2017

Little bit ill. Publications is a series of publications on the discourse and formation of the current feminist wave. At the wake of this movement I was curious what the voice of this generation would be and how they would differentiate from the previous waves.

Social media and digital activism are new factors in the history of feminism. These publications are designed to be shared offline, to give the reader the opportunity to read them anonymously.

To ensure comfortable reading great care was taken for the typography, materials and binding. Two typefaces designed by contemporary women were used, FS Olivia by Eleni Beveratou and William by Maria Doreuli.

From concept to editing, and from design to production, this entire project is executed by me.

Little bit ill. Publications took part in the 2018 Ghent Art Book Fair.

a collection of publications

One postcard, four little newspapers, four pocketbooks, five manifesto posters and a magazine.

The starting point – a quote by Emma Watson lowering the scary threshold to feminism

The speeches that started this wave, by Emma Watson, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Wiegertje Postma, Rebecca Solnit and Roxanne Gay


All publications were bootlegs, in the tradition of fans making copies out of admiration. No profits were made.

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